Hey all, not sure if people are already aware of this, but stumbled across this code the other day: GitHub - afedynitch/x4i3: This is a fork of the x4i Python interface to the EXFOR database, originally developed at Lawrence Livermore National Security.
It is a python interface for pulling data from EXFOR, a large compendium of experimental data in nuclear physics. I wish I had known about this earlier, it would have saved me a lot of time!
In particular, they demonstrate its use to build an interactive chart of isotopes comparing cross section models and experiments for astrophysically relevant isotopes that was used in a nature paper: GitHub - afedynitch/EXFOR_chart: Interactive Python+matplotlib script to visualize data from the EXFOR database, evaluated nuclear models or precomputed Monte Carlo tables.
When I saw that, my mind went to BMEX/BREX. It would be cool to have a website where you could quickly compare reaction models, not just to each other, but to experimental data (where it’s available) as well!