General Introductions!

A place to introduce yourself to everyone in the network. Feel encouraged to share your scientific and nonscientific interests to promote forming connections, as well as a picture of your pet companions if you have some!

Hi everyone!

Pablo Giuliani here! I am, together with Kyle, a member of the research community at FRIB (did my grad school at FSU and my undergrad at USB in Venezuela).

I am passionate about a lot of things in research including statistics, machine learning / dimensionality reduction, physics (nuclear and in general), and I always work in complementary teams with many folks. I am also super passionate about teaching and helping people realize their potential and thrive.

Beyond research, I also have many facets in my life that make me happy, including many friends (like Kyle, Edgard, and many of the folks in this forum), a loving dog and a half (see bellow), a grand piano at the lab, and lots and lots of food and coffee.

Doggies Dirac and Maxwell:

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:wave: @kyle gave two excellent presentations today at the Workshop on Software Infrastructure for Advanced Nuclear Physics Computing (SANPC), one of which introduced me to ASCSN and led me here. My background is experimental atomic physics, but my current career is focused on research software engineering at NCSA at the University of Illinois. Primarily I support astrophysics and nuclear physics projects, developing application software and designing and operating cyberinfrastructure for several research collaborations.

ASCSN appears to be a kindred spirit to my DecentCI software project. I look forward to learning more about ASCSN and what synergies exist between the two.