Basis Functions in Computational Chemistry

In computational chemistry, we create basis sets, which, to my understanding, are basically matrices of functions that are used to describe the wavefunction of the system. Is this true?

Sort of – I do no know what a “matrices of functions” means exactly. Basis sets are groups of functions called eigenfunctions. Any function within the Hilbert spanned by this basis can be represented by a linear combination of eigenfunctions.

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I may be responding a bit late, but a basis set \{\phi_\mu\}_i could indeed be understood as a matrix, e.g.,

(U_{i\mu}) = \begin{pmatrix} \phi_1(\vec{r}_1) & \ldots & \phi_N(\vec{r}_1) \\ \phi_1(\vec{r}_2) & \ldots & \phi_N(\vec{r}_2) \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots\\ \phi_1(\vec{r}_M) & \ldots & \phi_N(\vec{r}_M) \end{pmatrix}

where N is the number of functions in the basis, and the \vec{r}_M represent a discrete spatial mesh consisting of M points. (One could cover all of space by replacing the mesh with a continuous variable, but that formally takes a bit of care.)