Welcome to the 2023 FRIB-TA Summer School on practical uncertainty quantification and emulation, we’re very much looking forward to welcoming you all in East Lansing in late June! You can find the indico link here for information on administrative practicalities:
We envision this forum as a place where you can form connections and generate some community-driven knowledge that will stick around for future generations. Furthermore, since the final product of the summer school will be a compendium of projects, tutorials, and documentation worked on by folks from all over the world, we hope the forum and associated chat functionality will act as a handy collaboration space.
Of course we also hope that you’ll stick around after the summer school and continue to contribute and collaborate with ASCSN in building a strong interdisciplinary support network for cutting edge computational technologies applied to a broad set of open problems in science.
See you soon!
— Kyle (on behalf of the organizers)